mr big

美 [ˈmɪstər bɪɡ]英 [ˈmɪstə(r) bɪɡ]
  • 网络乐队
mr bigmr big
  1. After all , Mr Big was with me now .


  2. Is he the MR big round here ?


  3. The police had caught many of the important criminals , but they were still looking for Mr big .


  4. Somewhere some Mr Big is sitting there , laughing at you and your stool sample .


  5. Now , every time a high-profile work of art is stolen , the possibility of it being stolen to order by a Mr Big is raised .


  6. You 're home early , mr , big shot .


  7. Mr Froman 's big moment - the US 's big trade moment - may well be not very far away .


  8. Mr Kotick 's big break came in 1983 , when he was a student at the University of Michigan .


  9. Mr Peterson 's big break was Game of Thrones , the lavish HBO drama , which next month starts its fourth season .


  10. The death of basic manufacturing in China has long been prophesied , but Mr Law believes big producers will keep a presence there because of the scale and infrastructure advantages , as well as technical expertise .


  11. Mr White has a big family to keep .


  12. Small Mr Brown is a big man .


  13. Mr Giuliani has three big things going for him .


  14. Mr Fain admitted that big ships would never be suited to every market .


  15. Mr Zhou drives a big bus .


  16. For top executives at CITIC Securities , Mr Tang was a big reason the deal went forward .


  17. Mr Rendell says several big companies are offering this year 's graduates an unpaid gap year .


  18. Clearly Mr Sarkozy wanted a big name to run a French national champion and Mr Proglio provides that .


  19. There is next to no chance of the cautious Mr Hu bringing in big reforms before he steps down .


  20. Mr O'Connor says : Big oil companies are loath to go into dodgy areas where they don 't have good contractual relationships .


  21. The White House had hoped the Monday morning forum would be Mr Obama 's one big chance to try and communicate directly with young Chinese people .


  22. Despite these good showings , however , Mr Rudd faces a big battle to persuade voters to buy his picture of themselves .


  23. Mr Ashton says a big source of requests to his business is environmental companies , which are increasingly employed by councils to provide services such as recycling .


  24. Equities are still a key building block in most clients ' portfolios , says Mr Higgins . The big issue is how do you hedge those risk assets ?


  25. Mr Jenk says the big three are able to liquidate toxic property assets at lower prices than their smaller rivals , without it significantly damaging their earnings .


  26. Like Inditex , the Spanish firm that owns the Zara brand ( see article ) , Mr Yanai is betting big on Asia .


  27. Mr Beilke says the big advantage companies such as ebm-papst and TRUMPF have over larger corporations is the speed at which they can take decisions .


  28. Allan Gyngell , head of the Lowy Institute , a Sydney-based think-tank , is sceptical of Mr Rudd 's " big union " approach for the region .


  29. And when Mr Barak 's otherwise big concessions stopped short of yielding Palestinian sovereignty over Jerusalem 's Haram al-Sharif , where the great mosques stand , Arafat got the pretext he needed .


  30. Mr Wood adds that big American retailers such as Walmart , which might once have spoken out against revaluation because it would it increase the cost of their imported clothes and toys , have quietened down because that interest has been trumped by the desire to expand into China .
